are a fair number of answers to this question on the web, the most common: NO,
Sandbox has been published, you can't "rewind" it.
you may be in a regrettable position where your Page went completely FUBAR due
to some ill-advised changes through the Page Composer sandbox you accidentally
E.g., the
most common workaround: creating a new Sandbox, and fixing any damage you did
in an already published sandbox is not an option. Sometimes, even navigating to
the page in question is no longer possible. (been there).
The first
"glimpse" of the solution was introduced by Oracle note:
How can
Sandbox Page Customizations be Removed From a Page? (Doc ID 2642342.1)
Regrettably, it's pretty light on
technical details and chose to omit crucial info.
The most complete list of
resolution techniques was provided by:
It was
originally referenced by Oracles' Community thread:
That one
is almost perfect: it has all those nice screens with cool KABOOM emoji and
greatly elaborates on the technique mentioned in (Doc ID 2642342.1).
Namely, a
deletion of the Page customizations' configuration file. The only setback is:
that it deletes ANY changes implemented on the Page thus restoring it to a
seeded functionality.
one piece of the "puzzle" is still missing:
Let us
assume that following the (Doc ID 2642342.1) directions you created
the required new Sandbox with the Page Composer tool and even managed to
"corner" the customization file through the Manage Configuration menu,
where are all those "lovely" delete buttons I have been promised???
Why can’t I see anything besides the Download?
The next “golden nugget” was discovered during a session with Oracle Support.
Navigate to Setup and Maintenance:
Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values:
To have ALL the “buttons” on the Configuration Screen, the Site value should
be set to Yes.
Save the changes, Logout, Login, navigate to the Manage Configuration page and locate the customizations file again: